Defying Allergies

As a bona fide theatre kid, I’ve been obsessed with Wicked for years and have loved every minute of its newfound popularity due to the movie’s release.

Going to see the movie really got me thinking about how differences, whether that’s being green or being allergic to peanuts, might make us feel isolated, but can actually be a superpower.

In the song “The Wizard and I” the character Elphaba sings that “This weird quirk I’ve tried to suppress or hide is a talent that could help me meet the Wizard”. Allergies can be the same way. I remember hating the feeling of being weird or having something “wrong” with me,. I didn’t want to be a burden at restaurants or parties. I didn’t want to be constantly worrying about cross contact and eating my allergen by accident. And I really wanted to be just like everyone else.

However, I eventually learned that going through the experience of having food allergies made me a better and stronger person. I learned the importance of advocating for myself. I learned attention to detail. I learned about the science of baking so I could substitute ingredients in recipes. Most importantly, I learned compassion for others in similar situations.

So if you’re struggling right now, whether you’re going through OIT, SLIT, or avoidance, just know that you have the power to change the world.


My Favorite Creators for Adults with Food Allergies


Food Allergy Treatment = Self Care