Food Allergy Treatment = Self Care

Sheet masks, Pilates, binging your favorite comfort show, these are just a few examples of what the world of TikTok likes to call self care. Self care is the practice of doing the things that make you healthy, relaxed, and happy because no one can pour from an empty cup.

I want you to come with me on this concept that food allergy treatment is a form of self care. Wait, what? Going to the doctor’s office? Exposing my body to allergens in the form of OIT or SLIT? How is that self care?

Yeah, I know, sounds crazy, but let me explain. When you have an allergy, think of your immune system as having an anxiety disorder. It sees too much peanut, milk, wheat, etc., and calls red alert. This can get in the way of your personal life, your social life, even your financial life. Plus, it creates a massive amount of anxiety for you yourself!

Allergy treatments like SLIT and OIT is like sending your immune system to therapy. Hey, it’s even in the name! Gradually, your system learns to react only to things like germs and viruses, and not to foods. By getting your allergies treated, you are improving your health, giving yourself the ability to set aside so much of that anxiety, and even opening up the amount of foods you can try. (As a self proclaimed foodie, I always count snacks as self care.)

So pour a glass of wine, draw a bubble bath, and schedule your next food allergy treatment appointment.


Defying Allergies


Neffy: the New Kid on the Block