You are Brave and Bold

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the various voices out there? I think mothers have it the worst with this.

Have you heard versions of these?

Shame on you if you don’t wear your baby against your body at all time. Shame on you if you don’t teach your baby to soothe themselves and sleep on a schedule.  A healthy child grows up with firm boundaries. A healthy child is given limitless opportunities to express himself. How could you leave your children with a sitter so often? How can you be a good mom if you never take time for yourself?

How can we win? 

But, in the midst of this schizophrenic cacophony, you and I have practiced making choices and acting boldly. That’s what we did with OIT. We finally made a choice, forsaking all the detracting votes, and moved decisively forward. Now, we can reap the benefits as we watch our children enjoy their food safely.

You are brave and bold!


OIT: A Healthy Habits Journey


How to win Mom of the Year