OIT on the Go: NYC Edition

So as we all know by now, I’m an adult with food allergies who’s on maintenance for OIT. As such, I give out a lot of advice about how to do life while on OIT, and last month, I had to put my tips and tricks to the test.

As a verified theatre kid, I’ve always dreamed of visiting the big apple. So I packed my two bags, my three bucks, and one me and hopped on a plane to NYC. I got to stay with some friends, see some shows, explore Central Park, and eat pizza before hurtling around on the subway. It was a blast!

I was there for 4 days which meant I needed to dose.

  • 1st step, tell my friends what I needed. Let me tell you, the temptation to ignore OIT and pretend like I didn’t have to do it was STRONG. But I was brave, told them about my OIT needs, and they were more than happy to build a grocery trip into the schedule.

  • 2nd step, get groceries! I headed to a nearby target (right across the street from the iconic Macy’s on 34th!) and stocked up on my dosing foods. Bodegas and local shops are awesome for trying new foods or grabbing a sandwich and a bottle of water, but if you need harder to find items, large chain stores can be pretty helpful.

  • 3rd step, measure. Usually I like to measure my dose on a scale, but I was terrified of my suitcase being overweight. Luckily, my friends had measuring cups and spoons and I was able to measure my dose out correctly.

  • 4th step, enjoy my trip! With that step out of the way, I had plenty of peace of mind, enough to explore while knowing I was still on track with my treatment.


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