You ARE Patient
I always laugh when people first meet me and find out that I have a bunch of kids, or that I homeschool them.
“You must be so patient!" they usually exclaim.
Oh, how I wish that was true! Instant virtue! Yes, because I signed up for these tasks I got patience.
Or even further from the truth, maybe they think I was so patient I knew I could handle these things.
Um, no!
I know how often I fail. Maybe you do too. We Moms have a lot on our plate these days. We just don’t have time to work on patience! But then, I pause. OIT is a long process. So is being a mother.
These are not microwave fast. Not even Instant-pot fast. They are crock-pot slow. And we did OIT. We are mothering. We are letting our kids grow, over time, at their pace. Which is both maddeningly slow and heartbreakingly fast.
So, congratulations! I have discovered this about you: you may not have thought about it before, but -
You are patient!