You are Like the Magi
Those camel riding wise men are some of my heroes! They traveled a really long way! I am always in the car taking my kids somewhere, It feels like, but I have A/C, cruise control and a GPS! How insane was it to ride across the desert looking for a baby king of another land? That just seems like the epitome of politically incorrect, really hot, and dangerous.
But, being an OIT Mom is actually just like that, isn’t it? You made your way through the process with only a few directions. Driving many, many miles back and forth to the clinic, you kept constant vigilance in the face of real dangers. You believed that the end of the journey was worth it and you never gave up following that star. And all this work wasn’t about glory for you, but a gift… for a special child.
May the Child of the first Christmas grant your family much joy in this season!