Beat the Heat!

Sweater weather is gone and sweat weather is here! During the summer, I love taking “hot girl walks” with my sisters and playing in the waves. My little brother plays soccer games in the sweltering Texas heat, and my dad (hi, Dr. Browne!) loves to go for long runs. But as someone with food allergies who is on OIT, I have to be a bit careful.

For one thing, raising your core body temperature increases the risk of anaphylaxis after ingesting an allergen. This means that if you're on OIT or SLIT, it's best to stay inside in the air conditioning or at the very least in the shade after dosing. Alternatively, you could switch your dose time to the cooler evenings!

For another, epinephrine, your first line of defense against anaphylaxis, needs to be stored at 68-77 degrees Fahrenheit. It also needs to be with you at all times. What does this mean for you as the Texas temp continues to climb? Try keeping your injectors (yes, both of them!) in an insulated carrying case. Also, NEVER leave your injectors in the car! Car temps can spike to well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit on even moderately warm days.

So remember this motto: "keep cool and carry two!"


Ballin’ on a Budget, Food Allergy Style


Happy Food Allergy Awareness Month!