5 Tips for OIT anxiety

Ok, OIT is kind of a crazy concept. You’ve been told your whole life that this food could hurt you or put your life in danger, and now you’re eating it on purpose??? That would cause any sane person anxiety, so here are my top tips on how to beat OIT anxiety and take advantage of this life changing treatment.

#1. Go to a doctor you trust

I can’t stress enough how important it is to have a good relationship with your OIT provider. If your allergist habitually dismisses your fears and doesn’t listen to you, you’re not going to have a pleasant OIT experience. However, if your allergist is respectful, transparent, and attentive, you’ll be able to trust them to make the right call for when to halt or continue treatment and keep you safe.

#2. Gather info on what the OIT process looks like

The unknown is probably the scariest thing out there, so beat it to the punch. Read books on OIT like Food Allergy Conquerer (Shameless plug, hehehe) and have your allergist explain which symptoms may be normal and which would cause alarm. When you’re in that exam room pondering your life choices, a few concrete facts can be a comforting rock to cling to.

#3. Bring something to distract you

Waiting to see whether you react or not after your dose can be kinda nerve wracking. Go on, scroll on TikTok, watch your favorite Netflix show, bring a great book! Give your brain something to do other than stress.

#4. Try box breathing

There’s a ton of evidence out there that box breathing can lower stress and help you think clearly. Simply breath in while counting to 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold again for 4, and repeat.

#5. Don’t force yourself into a timeline

While deadlines are helpful to get projects like homework and cleaning the house done, all they do is cause anxiety for you. Feeling like you have to graduate in specific amount of time is going to cause you to freak out every time your body tells you to slow down treatment. Trust that it’ll work out, no matter how long it takes.


What Does an OIT Graduation Look Like?


Allergy Friendly Baking WINS