3 Tips for OIT and Fitness

One of the cardinal rules of OIT is no heavy physical activity right after you dose or eat a large portion of your allergen after graduation. While it’s put in place to keep you safe, this rule can be frustrating. Especially if you lead an active lifestyle.

But I’m here to tell you that it’s not impossible. No, you don’t get to eat whatever the heck you want, whenever the heck you want, But with a little thought, you can be super active while on OIT.

Here are 3 tips for conquering food allergies and your fitness goals:

  1. Time your dose so it doesn’t conflict with planned activities. Dosing in the evening is great for those going on early runs or hitting the gym in the am, while dosing in the morning may work better for those with evening sports practices or dance classes.

  2. Find fuel and recovery snacks that don’t contain your allergen. While the classics like chocolate milk or a banana with peanut butter might not be an option, it’s actually astonishing how many vegan, nut free, you-name-it free snacks there are.

  3. Don’t be afraid to change things up. OIT was made to serve you, not the other way around. If an event comes up where you would need to switch dosing times or change your dose, don’t be shy about asking your doctor what to do. You might even find a routine you like even better.


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Embrace the Weird